A beautiful find: St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral

A beautiful find: St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral

On a trip to Manchester, NH I happened to see a unique structure in the distance. It was obviously a church, I could tell by the cross, but the bulbous roof left me too curious to not investigate. A few minutes later I came cross St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral on Hanover Street. The massive, almost supernatural exterior was an amazing photo subject. While I was wandering around their parking lot getting a few snaps, a man approached me from the church and bellowed, “You from the bank!” I laughed and said, “No!” He then offered for me to come in and see the inside and I excitedly took him up on his offer. Inside the church sanctuary there was a breathtaking chandelier, stained glass, and iconography far beyond anything I had every seen before. Check out these shots I took and be sure to check out their church at https://www.stgeorgenh.org/