Political dark money in little New Hampshire: Maggie Goodlander, Owen Labrie, and Secret Lobbyists

Political dark money in little New Hampshire: Maggie Goodlander, Owen Labrie, and Secret Lobbyists
Political dark money in little New Hampshire: Maggie Goodlander, Owen Labrie, and Secret Lobbyists

Claire Best breaks down her research into activist groups manipulating sexual assault investigations, the corrupt background around Maggie Goodlander’s campaign for New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District, and the incestuous political situation in the Granite State.

Read all of Claire’s articles on the Granite Grok: https://granitegrok.com/author/claire-best

“Maggie Goodlander v Lily Tang Williams” on The Granite Grok: https://granitegrok.com/new-england/nh/2024/10/maggie-goodlander-v-lily-tang-williams

The video on Maggie Goodlander’s mother: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sQWYTNkhs8