Tag: new hampshire
How $10,000 can help rural New Hampshire Veterans with Orthotics and Prosthetics Healthcare?
John F. Williams of Portsmouth Orthopedics was awarded a Citizens Bank 2024 Small Business Community Champion Award, which includes $10,000 grant for his business. John discusses his career path from military to private sector, helping people with orthotics and prosthetics, working with veterans, and how he navigates the complicated VA and insurance ecosystem. Learn more…
New Hampshire needs to pass #DefendTheGuard, NH Senate needs to get HB229 done NOW!
A. J. Kierstead and Dexter Tarbox discuss Defend the Guard and NH HB229, which the New Hampshire Senate might send to Interim Study. People like NH Rep. Tom Mannion, and other liberty lovers are, doing their part to make sure this gets done! Read the letter: https://x.com/TroopsHomeUS/status/1783167418035999043
STOP MASKING FOR NO REASON, the science is not on your side! Leftists ignore reality.
A. J. Kierstead dives into how leftists are hurting emotionally at risk people by pushing masking, even though it is obvious it doesn’t work and hurts more than helps. Granite Grok, “State Rep Shows Up Late and Masked for Expert Testimony on Why Masks Don’t Work”: https://granitegrok.com/blog/2024/04/state-rep-shows-up-late-and-masked-for-expert-testimony-on-why-masks-dont-work Slides from Stephen E. Petty, P.E., C.I.H., C.S.P.:…
School choice and EFAs in New Hampshire are supported by data, Democrats forced to grasp at straws!
Executive Director Kate Baker Demers, New Hampshire Children’s Scholarship Fund, dives into the highly successful Education Freedom Account program, how they have the data to back what they do, and how only politics drive the crazy claims by Democrats. Read the NH Journal article Kate wrote, “EFA Program Is Transparent and Responsible to Taxpayers”: https://nhjournal.com/demers-efa-program-is-transparent-and-responsible-to-taxpayers/…
Manchester Mayor Ruais is wrong about Bail Reform?!? Here are the legal reasons!
Professor Buzz Scherr, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law, explains how Manchester, NH Mayor Jay Ruais is wrong when he states that bail reform is the cause of the crime issues in his city. Also, what is the real issue at hand around homelessness and addiction, how is it already being addressed in other Granite…