GLOBALISM DOESN’T WORK: Values and Monopolies
A. J. breaks down a Semafor newsletter and how it shows globalism doesn’t work due…
Ret. Border Chief Chris Clem and AFP Foundation: Solutions to Immigration Crisis
Retired Border Chief Chris Clem and AFP Foundation Immigration Policy Fellow Jordan Fischetti break down…
THIS is why New Hampshire should Defend the Guard, featuring NH Rep. Tom Mannion
NH Rep. Tom Mannion breaks down the Defend the Guard movement and “NH HB-229: Requiring…
The 6 reasons why conservatives might be wrong on state business tax in New Hampshire
Research Director Phil Sletten of the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute breaks down their recent…
The best public school strategy to educate our kids? Also, where are we post COVID-19?
Concord School District Superintendent Kathleen Murphy breaks down their 2022-2025 Strategic Plan and gives an…