Tag: Politics
So how about that New Hampshire primary? How did we get Ayotte v Craig?!?
A. J. joined WKXL’s Cail and Company to do a breakdown of the New Hampshire statewide primary, locking in the gubernatorial and congressional candidates for Republicans and Democrats. Listen to the full episode of WKXL’s Cail and Company: https://www.nhtalkradio.com/?p=22201
Trump and Harris DEBATE, but are Republicans or Democrats happy with what happened?
Matt Robison of Beyond Politics and contributor Dexter Tarbox join A. J. Kierstead to discuss the presidential debate between Donald J. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. Spoiler, both candidates kind of flopped. Follow Dexter: https://x.com/DSDexterTarbox Follow Matt: https://x.com/MattLRobison Read his Newsweek op-ed: https://www.newsweek.com/whatever-your-politics-america-lost-debate-opinion-1952314 Check him out on Cliff’s Edge: https://www.youtube.com/@Cliffs_Edge A. J. was on…
Buzz is running for New Hampshire State House, is this a Democrat we can deal with?
Buzz Scherr is a Professor of Law at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law and Police Commissioner in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He is running for New Hampshire House of Representatives in the Portsmouth -Ward 3 (Rockingham 26) district. We discuss the need for proper police funding and oversight, the recent ruling on Chevron deference, and…
Florida’s Jamie Miller on Trump, Project 2025, and Democrat’s terrible election policies
Florida’s Jamie Miller, of the Reasonable Arguments Substack, joins A. J. Kierstead to talk the impact of Florida on national politics, the state of the presidential race, and whether Project 2025 matters. Subscribe to his Reasonable Arguments Substack: https://reasonablearguments.substack.com/ Follow him on X: https://x.com/repjam
Project 2025: Do Democrats or Republicans know what they’re talking about? Does Trump care?
Matt Robison of Beyond Politics gives a Democrat’s perspective of how evil the aims of Project 2025 are and how, even though Trump is naive to it, his cabinet will implement it. A. J. Kierstead gives his take, that this is business as usual from the Heritage Foundation. Learn about The Heritage Foundations’s Project 2025:…