As a unique close to summer, the family checked out the Laconia Indian Historical Society’s Labor Day Pow Wow. It was a great experience and made us excited to check out more pow wows in the future.
I grew up in Boy Scouts of America programming and one of the most impactful experiences I had was in Order of the Arrow (OA), the honors society of scouting. A big part of that programming is centered around Native American traditions and I was fortunate to be part of Maine’s Madockawanda Lodge, which had a strong ceremonies and Native American drum team. Something I was always nervous, yet intrigued, about attending (due to my own antisocial insecurities) was a pow wow.
We finally broke through that barrier this weekend and I am happy we did. It was open and inviting. The MC did a fantastic job of telling the story of what we were experiencing and informing the audience of what is ok (or not). The venders were unique and we all left with goods that will have meaning to us. Sitting at my desk, the blue beaded, cross necklace hangs from my lamp for the next time I don regalia for an OA event.
The rhythmic beating of the large pow wow drums with the chants of the singers is cathartic and spiritual, especially as someone with a level of native ancestry and regardless of my Christian beliefs. The community building of intertribal dancing with my son around the circle and watching him go to town with a crow hop was icing on the cake.
Please check out these events and support them in your community. You do not need to have native ancestry to attend and I have yet to hear of one of these events where they were not excited to have a diverse audience.
This is outside of politics and the culture war. This is the chance to experience something unique to these lands from before the changes of colonialism, yet blended with the patriotism and respect of our current nation. The American flag is hung and veterans are honored before anything else takes place. A refreshing thing in our current climate.
Learn more about the Laconia Indian Historical Society at A fantastic resource for similar events, which helped me find this one, is Washington, NH’s The Wandering Bull at
Click below to check out some of my photos from the event:

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